
It is a high privilege to serve as a minister in Christ’s church, to expound the Bible’s story, to celebrate the gospel ordinances, and to be allowed into the lives of other human beings at some of their best and worst moments.

Christ commissioned His church to disciple all nations (Matthew 28:16-20) and promised His church that it would never be overwhelmed by evil (Matthew 16:18). The Christian believes that while particular congregations may be marred by human failings, and subject here and there, now and again, to periods of revival and declension, there remains the confidence that God has promised victory to the universal church and the gospel message entrusted to her.


I would characterize my theological perspective as one fundamentally shaped by broadly reformed convictions and sympathies. Most fundamentally, the Bible is the record of God’s revelation and is the Christian’s only rule of faith and practice.

I aim to inform my faith and practice with the insights and attainments of a variety of thinkers and theologians with the goal to believe what is true and to frame life by the apprehension of that truth.

A foundational reformed principle has it: “That truth is in order to goodness . . . there is an inseparable connection between faith and practice, truth and duty. Otherwise it would be of no consequence either to discover truth or to embrace it.’ (Book of Order, F-3.0104)


I am persuaded that the worship of God is at the center of human life and the Christian vocation.

Christian worship is guided by scripture. The Bible provides positive prescriptions for how we ought properly to worship God who is both Creator and Redeemer.

Biblical worship is simple, dignified, and centered on the proclamation of scripture, the celebration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the offering of prayer, and the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.